Here we go again, our last assignment and the hardest one yet. Just like last semester's, we students are to design a retreat house for a selected client, but now we are given an environment to design. For this case we will be using back Fraser Hill Paddock's area as our building site.
I've chosen back site 2, taking advantages of its slope and heavy vegetation on its side that will certainly come in handy in space handing.
I've chosen back site 2, taking advantages of its slope and heavy vegetation on its side that will certainly come in handy in space handing.
Back to the sportsman category, I've chosen NBA's 'Linsanity' sensation star player, Jeremy Lin as my client. As he gained celebrity status due to his burst of performance of an underdog, he realized he had committed a deadly sin.
"I’m not humble. Pride is my greatest sin I struggle with. But I’d say as I get older, go through more experiences in life and face tougher obstacles, I realize that I’m more sinful and need God more than I ever imagined.” - Jeremy Lin
Other than being a rising star in the NBA, he considered himself as a devout Christian, following the teachings of his Lord, his God. The concept of this retreat house is based on his suffering in his career and needing a retreat from all the bad influences. A retreat to isolation and salvation from the Almighty, a re-connection to his origins.
Design wise was towards Gothic Architecture, where during this period was a enlightenment from the dark Romanesque period. Light and God was analogous, and verticality towards the heavens was their primary design language. I wanted to give my client an ease in mind as light is penetrating the spaces; and giving a floating sensation, building above ground as to create a sense of vertical height, closer to God.
Other than being a rising star in the NBA, he considered himself as a devout Christian, following the teachings of his Lord, his God. The concept of this retreat house is based on his suffering in his career and needing a retreat from all the bad influences. A retreat to isolation and salvation from the Almighty, a re-connection to his origins.
Design wise was towards Gothic Architecture, where during this period was a enlightenment from the dark Romanesque period. Light and God was analogous, and verticality towards the heavens was their primary design language. I wanted to give my client an ease in mind as light is penetrating the spaces; and giving a floating sensation, building above ground as to create a sense of vertical height, closer to God.
A 1:100 scale of the Site Plan