STUDIO 3B: Site + Genius Loci

WOOHOO ROAD TRIP. With last year's hilly and chilly Fraser Hill, this time we went north, all the way to Kedah's famous bricky and heaty Bujang Valley archaeological site. It has a very bumpy historical timeline with its ups and downs, but that really inspired me in designing a themed museum based on that information.

Frankly speaking this assignment felt more like a interim rather than a submission. But the time to actually think and design out a concept really took all of us 4 solid weeks to finally present. Individually, we are to present a visual sketch drawings based on our understanding, and a concept development massing of our museum design.

Nope, the assignment doesn't stops here. This is a continuous assignment where it will be dragged to our final submission, where the space designs and information have to be more detailed. But this is actually my first attempt on using 3D software to create this board, it kinda looks weird now when I'm writing this blog post, with its mega super ultra lala colour combo, but I'm glad that I've improved much on my final Studio 3 boards.